24 Temmuz 2014 Perşembe

Un Appel À Tous Les Peuples Du Monde: “NE FOURNISSONS PAS DE MUNITIONS!”

La terreur d’état appliquée par Israël à Gaza, est devenue un génocide.
Les enfants, les femmes et les hommes de Gaza subissent à un génocide massif.
Les uns qui ne sont pas encore morts; survivent sans électricité, sans eau, sans aliment, sans médicament, et sans habitation.
Tous les peuples du monde manifestent contre leur gouvernements, se taisant devant ce génocide et parfois le supportant, et ils pleurent pour Gaza.

Contre cette opération des souverains du monde, nous commençons à parler en la langue quils va comprendre et nous, les peuples du monde, déclarons que nous nallons pas être le sponsor de ce génocide.

Nous invitons tous les gens qui disent Ne fournissons pas de munitions qui tuent les innocents à Gaza à une boycotte universelle.

Nous, les consommateurs de partout, nous nachetons pas de Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Mc Donalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Burger King, Marlboro, Camel, Winston, Parliament jusquau génocide sera terminé.

Mehmet Bülent Deniz
La Fédération de Consommateurs
Istanbul TURQUIE

Call for All the Peoples of the World: "WE WON'T PAY FOR THE AMMUNITION!"

The terrorism of Israel has turned into genocide.
All the children, women and men in Gaza are being massacred.
Ones who have not been killed yet are trying to survive without water, food, electricity, medicine and a shelter.
All the people in the world are reacting and protesting in streets against Israel, crying and wailing for Gaza, regardless of the fact that their governors keep silence about the genocide or even support it.
Against the rulers of the world and their collaborators’ operation, which is turning into genocide, we are now beginning to speak their own language by declaring the world that we are not going to be sponsors for this massacre.
We are calling all the people declaring that “WE WON’T PAY FOR THE AMMUNITION, the bombs, the bullets raining on the people of Gaza” to join and support the consumers’ boycott in the world scale.
“We, as all consumers around the world; are not buying Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Mc Donalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Burger King, Marlboro, Camel, Winston, Parliament brands until Israel and their global supporters stop the massacre against Gaza.”
Mehmet Bülent Deniz
Federation of Consumers Union
İstanbul, Turkey